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Landi Serfontein

Landi Serfontein

Short Biography Awaken beauty is a seed within ourselves that needs to be born. Sometimes that seed gets hurt during our growing up years and we do not know how to get that seed to start to bloom into a beautiful flower. So many women and men are struggling to see the beauty from within and to KNOW how to live that beauty and purpose from the inside out. So many live with masks on their faces just to survive. Others blatantly live behind a wall of pain, living in jail and don’t know how to free themselves. Awaken Beauty gives an opportunity for a new birth that gives potential. A potential to live in your God-given purpose. It gives hope for tomorrow for the eternal and present. The way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how you feel and see yourself on the inside.

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Level Individual

Address Stand 6042
28 Pearl Crescent
Midstream Meadows, GT 1646

Phone Number (082) 661-9944


Qualification/ExperienceImage and Style consultant

Categories/Services Image Consulting, Weight Loss, Nail Technician, Make-up Artist, Personal Styling, Personal Shopping, Motivational Speaker

CountrySouth Africa


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